Space Invaders by Mark Towers

Coin Op Inspired Sequencer

The Arcade Series Returns concludes with Space Invaders, a rotating pulse generator designed specifically for triggering drum machines. Independent patterns/rows of ‘Invaders’ are set up in the separate invader engines to the right. These patterns can be static or moving from left to right and have their own parameters which effect note generation.
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live 10 / 11 Suite or Ableton Live 10 / 11 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
MIN. REQUIREMENTS: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed


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Space Invaders by Mark Towers

Coin Op Inspired Sequencer

The Arcade Series Returns concludes with Space Invaders, a rotating pulse generator designed specifically for triggering drum machines.

Independent patterns/rows of ‘Invaders’ are set up in the separate invader engines to the right. These patterns can be static or moving from left to right and have their own parameters which effect note generation.

Lazers are triggered by the ships at the bottom of the grid. Once turned on, each ship will fire a single lazer at a user specified rate (in the settings panel). When a laser hits an invader, a note is triggered. The lazer cycle is repeated until the ship is turned off. Clicking anywhere on the 8×8 grid starts/re-starts a lazer to fire from that location.

Within the Ableton Live pack you’ll find devices that are compatible with Novation LaunchPad MKI, MKII, Pro, Native Instruments Maschine Jam, Ableton Push 1 & 2 as well as a universal device that can be used with any MIDI Controller via MIDI Mapping or the mouse and keyboard.

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