Rhythmically shift your MIDI along non traditional polyrhythmic, polymetric, tuplet, and non dyadic grids.
One of the most exciting developments for Live 12 was the addition of a new classification of MaxforLive Device, the MIDI Tools!
Previously any MaxforLive device would sit on a MIDI track and be placed in the signal chain after the Piano Roll, any changes that it made would then need to be picked up by a secondary MIDI Track to capture the output. Some devices had the ability to write to a specific clip slot of course but that functionality took one massive step to perfection with Live 12.
Now Live 12’s MIDI Tools can be placed before the Piano Roll and directly impact the MIDI clip in either the Generator or Transformer format.
We’re gathering together as always a dream team of developers in this specific area, you can benefit from their bundles of Tools in the MIDI Tools Bundle section, or choose to build your own bundle here with a discount of 20% for five or more tools, rising to 30% if you grab 10 or more in one purchase.
Rhythmically shift your MIDI along non traditional polyrhythmic, polymetric, tuplet, and non dyadic grids.
Stretch your MIDI with different types of fractions, allowing for interesting forms of polyrhythmic, polymetric, polytempic and non dyadic stretching.
Automatically set MIDI notes’ durations to polyrhythmic, polymetric, tuplet, and non dyadic time values.
Unlike standard swing, this device allows you to swing polyrhythmic, polymetric, non dyadic or tuplet note values. This allows for non conventional swing rhythms.
Generate variation by swapping around different parameters of your MIDI notes with a variety of algorithms.
This MIDI transformation tool allows you to quantize your MIDI to polyrhythms and other odd beat divisions. This is great for generating off tempo and experimental rhythms.
Feel is a MIDI clip transformer for Ableton Live. In Basic mode, it’s just a simple swing knob, and in Advanced mode, it’s a powerful microtiming tool for dialing in a rhythm.
A transformer for creating swing, grooves and micro timing
Shift is a MIDI clip transformer for Ableton Live. It allows you to remix a clip quickly by rotating each attribute of the notes independently. This simple device has lots of power for creating subtle or dramatic variations on patterns and melodies.
Subdivide a list of notes.
Segment is basically a combination of Divs and Condition Transform. The histogram section at the top, borrowed from Condition Transform, displays the notes in the clip according to their duration. You can select notes by picking specific durations, and then subdivide them with the velocity and pitch functions borrowed from Divs. Quantization and special Division Mode help tame this device’s weirdness when you need that.
Subdivide conditionally based on note duration.
Pattern Transform is a multi-function MIDI clip manipulator that is fantastic for creating variations on your ideas. It is probably the most powerful of all of my MIDI Tools. Want to take a beat but just thin it out by removing some of the notes? Or increase the freneticity of the beat by adding more notes? Or create some controlled melodic variation (in key, of course) within the course of a bassline. This device can do all of that, and more.
A multi-function transformer that uses a pattern to choose which notes to modify.
Draw is a MIDI clip transformer for Ableton Live. It allows you to change pitch, velocity, and chance super quickly with your mouse. It’s basically a bit like using the mouse in the piano roll or velocity and chance sections of the MIDI clip, but way faster (and a bit less precise…which is a good thing!) I use this thing all the time to create quick variations of MIDI clips for my tracks.
Divs is a transformer for Ableton Live 12 that subdivides notes in your MIDI clips to create ratchets, tuplets, nested rhythms. This device is great for adding decoration or rolls to rhythmic patterns.
Subdivide a list of notes. Designed to be used in conjunction with Blocks to make nested rhythms.
Develop reduces or increases the complexity of your MIDI clip over time. Say you have a pattern that you want to “build up” to by just playing fragments of the pattern, then, finally, at the end, the whole thing. Or the opposite – you want to remove an element from the mix, but not by bringing the fader down. Instead, just selectively remove notes each time the pattern loops. That’s what Develop does.
A transformer that can make a pattern gradually appear or fade away.
Condition Transform is a multi-function MIDI clip manipulator that helps you create variations on existing MIDI Clips. Like Pattern Transform, it allows you to selectively transform some notes in your MIDI clip while leaving others untouched. Notes are selected based on the note’s pitch, velocity, duration, or chance value. I built this tool to allow me to do ratcheting and subdivision precisely with complex MIDI clips.
A multi function transformer that modifies certain notes according to a rule.
Polyrhythm is a multitrack algorithmic sequencer for generating a quick beat or melody. I really like using it with a drum rack to get a beat started. The length of each pattern can be set independently, which makes the rhythms it generates feel a lot less boring and loop-y.
A multi track generator for creating polymetric and polyrhythmic patterns.
Turing Machine is a MIDI Tools version of the Music Thing Modular Turing Machine sequencer. Its ingenious design uses a randomness and a 16-bit shift register to generate pitches and rhythmic patterns.
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