Amazing Noises


Amazing Noises is the brainchild of Maurizio Giri the co-author of the Max Bible, Electronic Music & Sound Design.

As one of the core originators of MaxforLive devices it’s an honour to now include him within the Isotonik Collective and we’re looking forwards to bringing you more from his talented mind!

Bandswitch by Amazing Noises

Bandswitch is an audio effect that splits the incoming signal into three bands and processes them independently:

  • You can modulate the amplitude (tremolo) or the panning position of each band. You can also modify the shape of the modulation and set the gain and an overdrive process independently. Moreover, you can also add a vibrato (pitch modulation) independent for each band.
  • The modulation rate can be modulated in turn by an LFO (there are, of course, three LFOs), and there are also two dedicated LFOs that can modulate the cross frequencies between the bands.
  • After the Modulation/Distortion/Pitchshifing stage, each band goes to a dedicated delay line with feedback for further processing. Also the delay time can be dynamically modulated.


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed

Granular Lab by Amazing Noises

Granular Lab is “the ultimate granular manipulation suite” for Max for Live. It contains three audio devices and more than 100 presets/audioracks!

  • Grain Cooler
  • Grain Crusher 2
  • Grain Reverser 2


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
Granular Lab by Amazing Noises
(2 customer reviews)

Dirty Tricks by Amazing Noises

The “Dirty Tricks” suite is a bundle of 12 Max for Live devices: use them to distort, modulate, decimate, degrade and eventually destroy the sound at your will!
There are more than 200 presets (both individual, for each device, and audio racks) which will help you to start experimenting with the bundle: have fun!



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed

Pulsor Suite by Amazing Noises

Pulsor and Pulsor 2 are two monophonic synths that produce glitching/pulsing sounds and complex rhythmic soundscapes thanks to their unique circuitry.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed


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