Dirty Tricks by Amazing Noises


The “Dirty Tricks” suite is a bundle of 12 Max for Live devices: use them to distort, modulate, decimate, degrade and eventually destroy the sound at your will! There are more than 200 presets (both individual, for each device, and audio racks) which will help you to start experimenting with the bundle: have fun!
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live 10 / 11 Suite or Ableton Live 10 / 11 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
MIN. REQUIREMENTS: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed


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Dirty Tricks by Amazing Noises


The “Dirty Tricks” suite is a bundle of 12 Max for Live devices: use them to distort, modulate, decimate, degrade and eventually destroy the sound at your will!

There are more than 200 presets (both individual, for each device, and audio racks) which will help you to start experimenting with the bundle: have fun!


Brickwall – A band-pass/band-reject brickwall filter; the slope can go up to 192 dB of attenuation per octave (in other words it can be extremely selective)

Growler – A real-time pitch shifter with feedback, transient detector and envelope follower: ideal to create “monster” voices and other scary effects.

Interruptor – As the name implies, this device creates interruptions in the audio stream. It can also statistically sample and hold the signal.

Klamper – Clamps the signal with a few special features.

Mod – With Mod you can modulate any parameter of any device (native or Max for Live), any plug-in and any track in the Live environment. You can use an LFO (choosing among different waveforms) or a step sequencer to control the parameter.

Click the button on the upper left of the device (labelled Map), then click the parameter you want to control: the name of the button changes from Map to the name of the controlled parameter. To release the parameter (i.e. to stop controlling it) you can click on the red “R” button.

Ovrdrv – Ovrdrv is a distortion device: it goes from very subtle to total destruction. It can operate on the signal below (Saturation) or above (Excitation) a given frequency.

Philtre – The Philtre device has two configurations:

  • Dub: dual low-pass high-pass state variable filter with resonance and overlap factor.
  • Morph: a triple low-pass/band-pass/high-pass state variable filter with resonance and continuous morphing between the filter types.

Reduktor – Decimates and reduces the bit depth of your signal. It is dual band, i.e. the reduction can be applied only to a portion of the signal.

Ringer – A dual band ring modulator with distortion and delay with feedback.RingPitch: Frequency (in MIDI note values) of the modulator.

Shifter – A dual band frequency shifter with feedback delay

Swarmer – A “superchorus”, excellent to create super fat synth sounds (and more). It is composed of a chain of modulated delay lines.

Vkdr – This is a vocoder effect. Not to be confused with the “phase vocoder”, the vocoder is a filter effect which analyses a signal and recreate it using a broadband source (for instance a white noise) and a bank of filters.


The Philtre device contains a modified version of the saturating state variable filter by Yofiel: MORE DETAILS

Many thanks to Ernest Leonardo Meyer!

MORE FROM Amazing Noises...

Amazing Noises is the brainchild of Maurizio Giri the co-author of the Max Bible, Electronic Music & Sound Design.

As one of the core originators of MaxforLive devices it’s an honour to now include him within the Isotonik Collective and we’re looking forwards to bringing you more from his talented mind!


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