Clinicality Collection by PerforModule

PerforModules Technical Tools

Original price was: £85.00.Current price is: £50.00.
Eight full packs providing mad scientist engineering capabilities, replete with Audio and MIDI Effect racks featuring PerforModule's most technical tools. Sound designers, composers, and audio architects of all kinds may find good use for this encyclopedic cornucopia of implements. Empowers a wide range of nerdy capabilities from advanced to zany.
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live Suite 9 / 10 / 11
MIN. REQUIREMENTS: Ableton Live Suite 9.75+







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Clinicality Collection by PerforModule

PerforModules Technical Tools

Clinicality Collection: Get Clinical.

This mega collection includes PerforModule packs of a more technical theme. For sound designers, composers, and audio architects, these packs feature surgical tools to do things like…

  • Get started with go-to template racks for all the main functions of every Ableton effect.
  • Split audio files apart and apply effects to them in a variety of novel ways.
  • Calculate sound pressure, sound intensity, and perceptual loudness levels.
  • Apply swing based on a plethora of mathematical number sequences.
  • Chop and transform audio or MIDI parts into temporary fills using grooves.
  • Enhance and fine-tune the harmonic overtones and undertones of audio and MIDI parts.
  • Deliberately restrict instrument ranges to match any from a huge selection of physical instruments.
  • Polish up mixdowns with an audiophile mastering setup for professional presentation.

The Clinicality Mega Collection includes eight full, self-installing Ableton Live packs. Each pack includes a lesson file giving an overview of the contents which open upon install and can be accessed any time.

These packs avoid collecting dust, being occasionally updated with new devices, bug fixes, etc. All purchasers will get all updates for free for life, as long as isotonik studios and performodule exist.

By purchasing the Clinicality Collection you will acquire the following Ableton Live packs:

Advanced Splytterz – Special racks for splitting up a source and applying effects to different layers. Ideal for experimental sound design and excellent for post production.

Amplitude Operands – Calculate levels with extreme precision. Ideal for sound design when modeling physical objects in real spaces for film, etc.

Dephaultz – Template racks for every effect, with 8 important macro controls, neutrally gain-staged. Ideal for getting to work when you have a specific audio process you want to apply.

Groovification One – Mathematical, BreakFill, and Quantizer grooves. Apply atypical swing to make beats less rigid, transform plain patterns into fills, and rigidly quantize parts by dropping a groove on them.

Groovification Two – Chopper grooves. Provides a bunch of grooves to add rhythmic variety to audio or MIDI patterns simply by dropping grooves onto them.

Harmonicality – Tools for manipulating harmonics based on selectable root frequency. Useful for altering an instrument’s timbre and helping things stand out in a mix without extreme processing.

Note Range Setters – Huge database of vocal, orchestral and folk instrument ranges. Ideal for composing draft pieces intended for eventual recording with physical instruments.

Testful Mastering – Advanced multi-module mastering rack. Gives sophisticated functionality while keeping results tasteful.

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