Ableton Live Controllers


One of the most attractive elements of Ableton Live is its use in a Live performance context, you do the work in the studio then take it out on the road!
At the heart of Isotonik Studios is our obsession with Ableton Live Controllers. We simply can’t collect enough of them it would seem. Built up in a pile in our dining room we move through them changing our minds almost weekly on which one is the best.
The simple answer is that none of them are completely perfect, and that’s where we come in.
We’ve got a range of Control Surface Scripts for controllers that don’t usually get Ableton Live integration and for others we offer upgrades on the standard scripts with things like advanced Parameter and Mix Control.
Within each controller section we also list the integrated MaxforLive devices we have on offer, these work through the control surface to add layers of additional functionality!


Repeat Pro is a Max for Live MIDI effect, designed to easily program rhythmic and melodic patterns step by step, then played by synthesizers, samplers and other instruments, both inside and outside Live.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1.9 & MaxforLive (Version 8.1.1)
Repeat Pro MaxforLive Device by NOISS COKO
(7 customer reviews)

Allen & Heath K Series XL by Sigabort


This Control Surface Script for Ableton Live extends the use of the Allen & Heath K1 & K2 including the Ring Focus Box and Mixer Control

  • Session Control including Clip Launching
  • Send & Return Control
  • Mixer Control


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1.13
Allen & Heath K Series XL Control Surface Script
(6 customer reviews)

Euclidean Mode by Mark Towers

Crossfire Euclidean Mode is a MaxforLive MIDI Sequencer that can be controlled using the AKAI Fire when used in conjunction with the Crossfire Control Surface Script

  • Euclidean for exotic polyrhythmic patterns
  • 16 Patterns
  • 1-32 Steps per pattern
  • Velocity Variation Engine
  • Compatible with Push 3 Standalone


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed - Crossfire Control Surface Script is required for AKAI Fire integration

Drumrack Toggle by Ableton Drummer

The first solo MaxforLive device from the Ableton Drummer Collection ONE lets you toggle loops on/off in a Drumrack via included Simpler Instrument. If you are using a midi controller like an electronic drum kit this could come handy as you can easily re-pitch midi notes inside a midi track. Especially using electronic drums this device solves the big issue of “Note Off” messages usually being send from a few milliseconds to a max of a few seconds after the “Note On” message.


Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £12.00.

Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1 & MaxforLive is Essential

Ableton Drummer Collection ONE

Created by the leading man in the world of E-Drumming and Ableton Live the Ableton Drummer Collection ONE from Tobias Hunke should be considered essential for anyone wanting to control Ableton Live in their E-Drumming Performance


Original price was: £37.00.Current price is: £26.00.

Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1 & MaxforLive is Essential

CrossFire by nativeKONTROL

CrossFire transforms the Akai Fire into a powerful Control Surface for Ableton Live. While it’s primary focus is on Drum Rack control and sequencing, it includes many other features (such as Clip/Scene launching and selected Track control) that make it a great, all-around control option for Live.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 11.2
Crossfire Live 11 for the AKAI FIRE
(19 customer reviews)

ClyphX Pro Bindings by nativeKONTROL

ClyphX Pro Bindings is an add on accessory for ClyphX Pro that allows controls on MIDI controllers to be dynamically bound and rebound to parameters in Live.



Minimum Requirements: ClyphX Pro v1.3.0 or later - Ableton Live 11.2
ClyphX Pro Bindings Live 11
(5 customer reviews)

Arcade Series Ultimate by Mark Towers

The Arcade Series is a collection of MaxforLive Generative Sequencers that can be used on their own or integrated with Ableton Live supported controllers. Designed and created by Ableton Certified Trainer Mark Towers each device takes it’s inspiration from the hours spent in front of flickering screens down the local Arcade.


Original price was: £90.00.Current price is: £80.00.

Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 9.75 & MaxforLive is Essential

Space Invaders by Mark Towers

The Arcade Series Returns concludes with Space Invaders, a rotating pulse generator designed specifically for triggering drum machines.

Independent patterns/rows of ‘Invaders’ are set up in the separate invader engines to the right. These patterns can be static or moving from left to right and have their own parameters which effect note generation.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed

Frogger by Mark Towers

The Arcade Series Returns is the follow up to the hugely successful MaxforLive Generative Sequencers the Arcade Series ONE. Designed by Ableton Certified trainer Mark Towers and inspired by classic retro Arcade Games each one can provide inspiration for rhythm or melody!

Frogger is an 8-step gate sequencer inspired by the classic video game and electronic gate sequencers. Via the mouse or control surface you set the pitch/octave for each step. When the sequence lands on the step the note is triggered. All pitch values conform to the globally selected scale with individual octave control per step.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
Frogger MaxforLive Sequncer
(1 customer review)

Ghosts by Mark Towers

Ghosts is a random looping melodic sequencer inspired by the classic arcade game PacMan (but it hasn’t got the hero in it!). Originally part of The Arcade Series Returns it’s the follow up to the hugely successful MaxforLive Generative Sequencers the Arcade Series ONE. Designed by Ableton Certified trainer Mark Towers and inspired by classic retro Arcade Games each one can provide inspiration for rhythm or melody!

Across the Arcade Series Returns is an inbuilt loop feature which can work on an individual element or globally. When you come up with a rhythm or melody you want to save you can also press a single button and export the pattern directly into an Ableton Live MIDI clip.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10 Suite or Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed

Arkanoid by Mark Towers

Originally debuting as part of The Arcade Series Returns Arkanoid is part of the follow up to the hugely successful MaxforLive Generative Sequencers the Arcade Series ONE. Designed by Ableton Certified trainer Mark Towers and inspired by classic retro Arcade Games each one can provide inspiration for rhythm or melody!

Arkanoid is a rotating melodic sequencer inspired by the classic arcade game. The grid interface is the primary way to interact with Arkanoid. Both control surface 8×8 button grids and mouse clicks can be used to control the UI.



Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 9.75 & MaxforLive is Essential

NanoKontrol Studio XXL by Sigabort

The NanoKontrol Studio XXL Control Surface Sctipt for Ableton Live adds Session Control, Mix Control & Parameter Control for the Korg NanoKontrol Studio

  • Session Control
  • Device Control
  • Send & Return Control


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10

Behringer BCF XL by Sigabort

With it’s motorised Faders and LED Ringed Encoders the Behringer BCF is the perfect controller with this Ableton Live Control Surface Script.

  • Session Control
  • Send & Return Control


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10

Behringer BCR XL by Sigabort

The Behringer BCR is the perfect partner controller for MIDI Controllers like the Push & Novation LaunchPad, our control surface script makes it essential!

  • Session Control
  • 24/32 Parameter Device Control
  • Send & Return Control


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10

LaunchControl X by Sigabort

LaunchControl X is a Control Surface Script for Ableton Live offering 16 Parameter Control & Session Ring Focus Box amongst other features.

  • Session Control
  • 16 Parameter Device Control
  • Return Control


Minimum Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1 & Novation LaunchControl
Novation LaunchControl Ableton Live Control Surface Script
(1 customer review)


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