Heaps of Bleeps

Heaps of Bleeps is a music software company based in Los Angeles and run by Stevie Schmidt. It originally started as a small tape label in Portland, OR, founded in 2011 by Stevie and his friend Cameron Rogers. The label was short lived and faded away after putting out 2 releases and putting on many shows in the city. When Stevie started to make music software in 2016 he repurposed the name for his company.

Heaps of Bleeps makes Max for Live devices and MIDI tools. Most of the devices are inspired by musical ideas that Stevie is unable to accomplish with standard Live devices, and his general desire to not spend excess money on gear. He mostly focuses on making Live a more modulatable environment as well as opening up new rhythmic and harmonic possibilities. The “Bend Series” of Max MIDI effects is probably the most well known of his devices. It’s a pack of Max for Live devices that allows you to modulate pitch bend in the same way as you would CV. It was featured on Jamie Lidell’s podcast Hanging Out with Audiophiles.

Stevie Schmidt is an experimental electronic musician based in Los Angeles. Growing up playing bass and guitar in various punk, jazz, and experimental rock bands in LA, he eventually found his way into electronic music. He has a degree in music composition and his music tends to ride the line between ambient, punk, noise, and various types of experimental beats. He has released 2 EP’s through the Los Angeles tape label Dome of Doom and has self released various collaborative projects over the years. Most recently, an improvisational EP with saxophonist Zach Frotton.


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