
Massimiliano Cerioni (Italy, 1986) is an award-winning composer, sound engineer, sound artist, educator, and Max Certified Trainer. He explores new sonic possibilities through coding and designing custom-made instruments. He also performs on stage with his creations. His artistic production includes acousmatic and electroacoustic music compositions, live-electronics, audiovisuals, music for video, performances, sound-art installations, and multimedia projects.

He is from Pomezia (Rome, IT) and lives in Berlin. Cerioni graduated with an MMus in Electronic Music from A. Casella Conservatory of Music in L’Aquila (Italy) under the direction of Michelangelo Lupone. He has been an intern for Institutions like Centro Ricerche Musicali of Rome, INA GRM of Paris, and GMEM of Marseille.

Cerioni has received awards, commissioned works (Artescienza Festival and Cycling’74), and distinctions, including placing 1st at the Italian national art prize Premio Abbado in 2015 under the Electroacoustic Music Compositions category. In 2017, Cerioni presented his first augmented monochord prototype at the Tempo Reale Festival in Florence. In 2019, he was a resident artist at EMS — Elektron Musik Studion in Stockholm (Sweden), and in the meantime a guest of the CM Lerici Italian Institute of Culture. In 2020, he announced his audio plugin project Culto, made for releasing Max For Live devices for experimental sound design. In 2021, he was a resident artist from SCOPE BLN in Berlin. In 2022, Cycling’74 commissioned him to create a MaxMSP Gen patch for which he implemented a modded version of the Lotka-Volterra two-species competition-cooperation model as a sound synthesis system. In 2023, the same project was featured in the Radius Collective Exhibition Underline at the Midway Studios gallery In Boston and the Linea Festival in Biella, Italy. In August, it was part of a kinetic sound-art installation made with Fabrizio Di Salvo, named Two Species, which premiered at Kunsttage Basel 2024.

He is part of the artist collectives Wasch (Berlin) and Radius (US). Also, he collaborates with the online learning center Music Hackspace and several artists and professionals from different fields. Notable mentions: Molly Haig, Julian Zyklus, Pixie Fairy Lawn, Silvia Morandi, Function Store, Fabrizio Di Salvo, SaraBrown, Opale Studio, Valerio De Vita, reinfected me.

He releases his music under Elli Records.


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