Ground Control by Elisabeth Homeland

Integrate the UAD Console into Ableton Live

GroundControl is a MaxForLive device that integrates with Universal Audio’s Apollo interfaces, letting you control input channels directly from Ableton Live without needing to open the Console app. You can manage preamp settings, plugins, monitoring, and more—all directly from Live’s device view. 
Each track in your Live session can have its own configuration, automatically recalling all the relevant settings as you switch between them.

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Audio Devices, Control Devices


Mac, Windows

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

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2 reviews for Ground Control by Elisabeth Homeland

  1. Sayan Sobuth

    So for it works well, I just installed everything and tried to update my Ableton templates. As I am an owner of an Apollo x8p – which has 8 unison pre-amps – I’m a bit sad that I can’t control the unison slots out of Ground Control for the unison slots on input 3 to 8, I only have the option for input 1 and 2. Otherwise it would be nearly perfect but this way I can use it not with the same potential as I could when I could control all of my unisons pre-amps.

    • Nándi

      “It turned out to be an issue with the console app itself. It registered and reported the Mic/Line channels as simple Line inputs.. A full reinstallation of Console should solve the issue. In the meantime I created a custom version that allows the Preamp section to be displayed on Line input channels on the GroundControl Channel device. – Nándi “


    Just started using it and will update if I find any issues. From the start, this is such an amazing M4L device. Im using it for live performance of a full band as well as recording and producing.

    You can write automation in your Ableton set and it will affect the plugins running in the insert slots on Console. That alone is GOLD. You can also modulate MIDI with a hardware controller in realtime while performing and record that modulation as a new automation. I now have full control over automating or controlling my “low latency” plugins in Console while managing a huge Live set with a high ASIO buffer. It cant be described how powerful and useful this is for producing. For example, adding new performances after youve already worked a ton on a mix and you have a bunch of heavy plugins running, having an artist do a new performance and being able to automate FX modulation in Console OR having the artist peform on a MIDI controller while singing/playing. Its like getting a new superpower. This is so much better than “reduce latency when monitoring”.

    For live performance, I can also run “heavy” UAD plugins on the SHARC chips while keeping my ASIO buffer low. And here again, if were performing to a click track and we set up a bunch of automation for a particular song, that automation can be sent to the plugins in Console. Things like autotune, pitch/harmony shifting, enabling/disabling stuff like gates, changing guitar amp parameters, anything you want to set up to automate along to your click track. Just set up the automations in Ableton as your writing your click track and it will be performed in Console.

    Another advantage is, once you set up your inputs and point everything where its supposed to point to, you can now access everything in Console without leaving the Ableton window. This is just a quality of life thing but its a big one. Super handy and keeps me focused. I realize this is the main visual selling point of the device (and it is really cool) but the points I made about automation are what really sold me on this device.

    Between this M4L device and UA MIDI Control (allows you to use MIDI devices or a Streamdeck to control Console whether a DAW is open or not) I now have full control over UAD Console in ways that UA should have integrated years ago.

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2 reviews

90% average rating


2 reviews for Ground Control by Elisabeth Homeland

  1. Sayan Sobuth

    So for it works well, I just installed everything and tried to update my Ableton templates. As I am an owner of an Apollo x8p – which has 8 unison pre-amps – I’m a bit sad that I can’t control the unison slots out of Ground Control for the unison slots on input 3 to 8, I only have the option for input 1 and 2. Otherwise it would be nearly perfect but this way I can use it not with the same potential as I could when I could control all of my unisons pre-amps.

    • Nándi

      “It turned out to be an issue with the console app itself. It registered and reported the Mic/Line channels as simple Line inputs.. A full reinstallation of Console should solve the issue. In the meantime I created a custom version that allows the Preamp section to be displayed on Line input channels on the GroundControl Channel device. – Nándi “


    Just started using it and will update if I find any issues. From the start, this is such an amazing M4L device. Im using it for live performance of a full band as well as recording and producing.

    You can write automation in your Ableton set and it will affect the plugins running in the insert slots on Console. That alone is GOLD. You can also modulate MIDI with a hardware controller in realtime while performing and record that modulation as a new automation. I now have full control over automating or controlling my “low latency” plugins in Console while managing a huge Live set with a high ASIO buffer. It cant be described how powerful and useful this is for producing. For example, adding new performances after youve already worked a ton on a mix and you have a bunch of heavy plugins running, having an artist do a new performance and being able to automate FX modulation in Console OR having the artist peform on a MIDI controller while singing/playing. Its like getting a new superpower. This is so much better than “reduce latency when monitoring”.

    For live performance, I can also run “heavy” UAD plugins on the SHARC chips while keeping my ASIO buffer low. And here again, if were performing to a click track and we set up a bunch of automation for a particular song, that automation can be sent to the plugins in Console. Things like autotune, pitch/harmony shifting, enabling/disabling stuff like gates, changing guitar amp parameters, anything you want to set up to automate along to your click track. Just set up the automations in Ableton as your writing your click track and it will be performed in Console.

    Another advantage is, once you set up your inputs and point everything where its supposed to point to, you can now access everything in Console without leaving the Ableton window. This is just a quality of life thing but its a big one. Super handy and keeps me focused. I realize this is the main visual selling point of the device (and it is really cool) but the points I made about automation are what really sold me on this device.

    Between this M4L device and UA MIDI Control (allows you to use MIDI devices or a Streamdeck to control Console whether a DAW is open or not) I now have full control over UAD Console in ways that UA should have integrated years ago.

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Ground Control by Elisabeth Homeland

Integrate the UAD Console into Ableton Live

GroundControl is a pair of MaxForLive devices designed to fully integrate Universal Audio’s Apollo Console application into Ableton Live. Its primary function is to give you full control over your Apollo interface’s input channels, and your monitoring section, directly from Live’s device view—without the need to open the Console application separately.


With GroundControl, you can control every aspect of your Apollo’s input channels, including preamp settings, monitoring, inserts, and sends, all from within Ableton Live. Simply insert the GroundControl Channel device into an audio track, select your Apollo interface, and choose one of its inputs. From there, you’ll have complete control over that input just as you would in the Console.

Dim Solo

The same goes for the Monitor/Master section.
Just insert the GroundControl Master device into your Master/Main track, and start using it. 

Dim Solo

One of the standout features of GroundControl is the ability to create multiple configurations for the same input channel across different tracks. 

For example, you might use the same microphone for both guitar and vocal recordings, but set up the guitar track with one configuration and the vocal track with another.
When switching between these tracks in Live, GroundControl will automatically recall all relevant settings (preamp configuration, plugins and their parameters, monitoring section, sends, etc.) for the selected track.
There’s no need to manually save or load presets—just select the track, and everything is ready to go.

Dim Solo

This capability also makes GroundControl an excellent tool for preserving recording sessions.
When you reopen a Live Set, GroundControl recalls all Apollo settings for each track, ensuring that you can easily resume work with the exact setup you used. 

You can even save GroundControl Channel presets into Live’s browser for easy reuse in future projects.

Dim Solo

GroundControl communicates bi-directionally with both the Console application and your Apollo interface. Any changes made in GroundControl are reflected in the Console application and on your Apollo hardware, and vice versa. This ensures perfect synchronization between your DAW and your interface.

GroundControl automatically detects all your connected Apollo interfaces and their available input channels.

Simply select the interface and the channel you want to work with from the IO list.

Note: Since GroundControl 1.2 Only those channels are accessible from this list that are enabled in the Console IO Matrix.

You’ll see that : 

  • The Preamp section dynamically adapts depending on the selected channel type. For example:
  • If the selected channel supports Unison, all preamp controls will be available.
  • If it’s an ADAT channel, the preamp controls will disappear, reflecting the different channel capabilities.

  • All settings of the Channel in UA Console will change to match the settings of the device.

  • GroundControl automatically assigns the corresponding Apollo input channel to the track’s input in Live (if it’s enabled in Live’s input settings).
    Note: This automatic input assignment will not occur if the track is actively recording to avoid disrupting your session.

Note:.The channel selector section is not available on Push.

You can Control everything you find on a Channel device:
The Preamp, Monitor, Sends sections:

All parameters behave exactly as they do in Console,
You can be automate, Key or MIDI-map them, and control them via Push.

You can add or replace plugins, presets, or full channel strips just like in Console.

If a slot is not populated just click on the plus icon to reveal the plugin browser:
In the Plugin browser you’ll see all the plugins that you have access to (or currently demoing).

When you want to add effects to the Unison slot, the browser will only show unison capable plugins.

If you click on the „+” icon located next to the INSERTS label, you can browse and load full channel strip presets. 

Once a slot is populated with a plugin you can just hower your mouse over it to: 

  • Replace it to another plugin by clicking on the plus icon.
  • Select a specific preset by clicking on the „P” icon.
  • Open the floating window by clicking on the Plugin icon.
  • Bypass/Enable the plugin with the on/off button.
  • If you want to replace the order of the plugins you can simply drag&drop them to another slot.

  • If you want to remove a plugin just drag it and drop it out from the slots window anywhere.

If you need quick access to specific plugin parameters without opening the plugin’s floating window, you can assign them to one of the 8 available quick control slots.

To assign a parameter, select the desired plugin slot, then choose the specific parameter you want to control. The parameter will now be adjustable directly from the GroundControl device interface.

Once a parameter is assigned to a quick control slot, it can be MIDI mapped or automated/modulated for creative recording purposes. These parameters are also accessible via Push. 

Note: Be aware that assigned parameters will be cleared if the associated plugin is removed or if its position in the effect chain changes.


GroundControl allows you to save written notes and images directly within the device, making it easier to recall important details about your session, even years later. 

Written Notes: The notes section lets you document essential information such as microphone types, placement, hardware settings, or any specific recording setup. Simply type in a note that you want to remember later, and it will be saved within the GroundControl Channel device.

Adding Images: GroundControl supports up to four image slots. You can drag and drop images from your computer directly into these slots. 

For better file organization, I recommend to create a folder called “Pictures” within your current LiveSet’s folder in the Live browser and place your images there first. This ensures the images are saved with your project and don’t get lost over time.(Then you can drop these images into the device.)

You can also open the note section in a resizable and pinned floating window, with pressing on the note Icon. 

You can assign a Keyboard or MIDI shortcut for this button, or you can automate it so it opens automatically during a section of your song.

Open the “notes settings” panel to customize the look of the note section. You can change the: 

  • Font type 
  • Text Size
  • Text Color
  • Background Color

This section is also available as a separate device called “Notes & Pictures”  (Included in the pack)


With the options section you can change the behaviour for the Channel device instance.
(so these options won’t affect other channel devices.)  

  • Enable Output if track not selected

If enabled the device will continue to output it’s parameter values to the console. So you can MIDI map it’s parameters to remotely control the channel.

Important: If this option is enabled be careful with automation and modulatio!
 especially for plugin parameters, because it could cause unwanted effects.

  • Link mute to record arm

If enabled the device will mute the Channel if the track’s record arm is disabled in Live. 

And it’ll un-mute it once the record arm is turned back on.

  • Enabled monitor mode

If the TurnOn/TurnOff monitor option is enabled in the master device, you can choose whitch monitoring option you want to use for the track: Auto or In 

  • Plugins Channel switching behaviour

When you switch to a different channel from the IO menu you can either: 

    • Apply the plugins from the device to the newly selected channel. 
    • Pick up the Plugins from the newly selected channel into the device.
  • Parameters Channel switching behaviour

When you switch to a different channel from the IO menu you can either:

    • Apply the current parameter values from the device to the newly selected channel 
    • Pick up the parameter values from the newly selected channel into the device. 


Important: In “Pick up” mode  switching between Channels can create a lot of undo steps, so use this option with care! It’s mainly there so you can easily copy/import Console Sessions into your Live set Templates/presets.

Save presets of the GroundControl Channel device directly into Live’s Browser.
When you drop a preset into Live it’ll apply every settings from the device to the selected channel.
(Preamp/monitoring/sends section, and all the plugins and their configuration.)

GroundControl makes it easy to preserve recording sessions for later use.
When you reopen a Live Set, GroundControl will recall all the input channel settings for each track, so you’ll know exactly how your inputs were configured for every recorded part of your song.

Midi map any parameter to remotely access them even if you selected another track/Channel device instance.

GroundControl can automatically rename the selected Apollo channel to match the Ableton track name, to keep your session organized. 

If the Channel’s monitor fader is on, the Audio track’s monitoring will automatically turn off, and if the Channel’s monitor fader is off the Audio track’s monitoring will turn to Auto 

The Console application will automatically follow Ableton Live’s tempo including Tempo Automations

ground control by elisabeth homeland

You control the Main Output/Monitoring section directly from the device:

  • Main monitor Volume
  • Monitor Mono toggle
  • Monitor Mute toggle
  • DIM toggle
  • Dim amount value
  • Monitor source selector
  • Talkback toggle

Plus it display the current DSP, PRG and MEM values like the “UAD Meter & Control panel”.

ground control by elisabeth homeland

The values of these Monitoring controls are not saved into the Live Set!

Whenever you reopen a Live Set all of these parameters will pick up the current values from the Console app. 

(So you don’t have to worry about blowing your speakers out. : ) )


You can use this section in two modes: 

Safe and Remote:

ground control by elisabeth homeland


This is the default configuration.

In this mode the Monitor sections parameters are not Automatable, and doesn’t create any undo history entries into Live.

You can safely tweak your monitor volume, Talkback switch, Dim amount, (and so on) right from the device without worrying about changing them when you press the undo button.

But you can’t access them from Push, nor can you assign Key/MIDI mappings to them.


When you Enable the Remote mode, these parameters will become Automatable, MIDI/Key mappable, and you can access them directly from Push.

Unfortunately this also means that any tweak on them will get into Live’s undo history. 

(So be careful with this mode!)

You can switch between the two modes any time. 

If you disable the Remote mode, and then start to use the undo redo shortcuts in Live , the previous tweaks won’t affect the undo history anymore.

So you can switch between these two modes safely without worrying.

If you want to Switch back to Remote mode The LiveSet will remember all the Key/MIDI assignments.

The Safe/Remote mode button is not Key/Midi mappable, and it’s not saved into Live’s undo history.

So if you reopen a Live set it’ll always default to Safe mode until you manually change it.

ground control by elisabeth homeland

You have the option to to control some Console related settings directly from the device.

If you enable this “Console Options” section You can manage these options on a /Live Set basis.
But you can disable this section completely if you prefer to continue to manage them in the Console app.

These options are:

  • Sample rate 

This is useful because you can force Live to open the Live set in the Sample rate you used.
(Plus you can change your Sample Rate from Push. : ) ) 

  • Clip hold time
  • Meter Peak hold time
  • Pre/Post fader metering
  • plugin Delay compensation value
  • 20dBu/24dBu headroom switch
  • FunctionSwitch button function selector for the Monitor Apollo unit

ground control by elisabeth homeland

In certain scenarios, you may need to refresh the Master device to ensure all changes are properly reflected across your session. For example:

  • If you’ve created new plugin or channel strip presets in the Console after inserting the GroundControl Channel device.
  • If you’ve loaded the Live Set with the wrong audio driver (e.g., you accidentally started Live with your laptop’s mic and speakers, then switched to the Apollo driver).

The options in the “GroundControl” settings pannel affects the behavior of all Channel Devices: 

  • Auto Switch inputs:
    When you select an Apollo channel on a GroundControl Channel device, it will automatically switch the track’s input in Live to the corresponding Apollo input channel. This feature only works if the respective input channels are enabled in Live’s Input Config preferences.
    Note: This automatic input assignment will not occur if the track is actively recording to avoid disrupting your session.
  • Turn Off Monitoring:
    When you turn the Monitor Volume fader up in a GroundControl Channel device, (Or in Console) the track’s monitoring in Ableton Live will automatically be disabled. This prevents double monitoring (hearing the audio from both the Apollo interface and the Live track simultaneously.
  • Turn On Monitoring:
    If you turn the Monitor Volume fader all the way down, the track’s monitoring in Ableton Live will switch back to Auto, enabling monitoring from Live. This feature gives you convenient control over when to monitor from the Apollo interface and when to monitor directly from the DAW.
  • Channel name:
    : The channel name in the UA Console will remain unchanged.
    Follow: The Apollo channel name will automatically sync with the Ableton Live track’s name.
  • Open Plugins on load:
    When this option is enabled, any plugin loaded into a preamp or effect slot will automatically open its floating window.
    Note: The plugin windows are rendered by the Console app, so it has to be open, otherwise it can’t display them.
    You can just simply open the app, and minize it, so it’s not in the way.
  • Follow Tempo:
    Enabling Follow Tempo ensures that the UA Console will sync with your Ableton Live set’s tempo (Including automated tempo changes.)
  • Show Hidden Channels
    When this option is enabled Channels that are Hidden in the Console won’t appear in the Channel devices IO menu.
    Note: If you Hide/Un-Hide channels on the fly, you’ll have to refresh the Master device to see the change in the IO matrix.

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