Polypin by Mark Towers

PolyRhythms, Euclidean & Traditional Sequencing


PolyPin is a MaxforLive Generative Sequencer inspired by Pinball and controllable by a range of Ableton Live supported MIDI Controllers.

Up to 8 sequencers run in sync  or independently using specially developed sequencer modes:

  • Probability for creating random chance based beats
  • Euclidean for exotic polyrhythmic patterns
  • Classic for retro 16 step sequencing.


Additional information


MIDI Devices, Sequencers


Ableton Push One, Ableton Push THREE Controller, Ableton Push TWO, Novation Launchpad

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite


Mac, Windows




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Polypin by Mark Towers

PolyRhythms, Euclidean & Traditional Sequencing

PolyPin is a MaxforLive Generative Sequencer that can be used with Ableton Live supported controllers. Designed and created by Ableton Certified Trainer Mark Towers this device takes it’s inspiration from trying to beat gravity and keep a spinning ball bearing on an upwards path bouncing of the bumpers around the table.

PolyPin works in standalone mode or can be controlled directly by the Ableton PUSH & Push TWO or Novation LaunchPad & LaunchPad PRO!

A Polyrhythmic Performance Sequencer inspired by Pinball. Up to 8 sequencers run in sync  or independently using specially developed sequencer modes:

  • Probability for creating random chance based beats
  • Euclidean for exotic polyrhythmic patterns
  • Classic for retro 16 step sequencing.

A big part of the Sequencer is it’s Accelerator feature. The accelerator is used to speed up or slow down a sequencer, this is a way of adding live variation to your performances. The accelerators are activated by your chosen control surface (Push, Launchpad or Launchpad Pro) when a sequencer is running; pressing one of the upper 7 pads for that sequencer will trigger the accelerator. When the accelerator is activated, you will notice the ‘Rate’ menu to the right change to a different speed. Rates can be Whole notes, Dotted, or Triplets, switching ‘Velocity’ on will disable the manual selecting of these controls, and the velocity applied to the pads will determine if the accelerator is Whole, Dotted or Triplets.

The ‘Lock’ option if on, makes pressing the pads toggle the accelerator, press once to activate it, press again to deactivate it returning to the default rate set in the menu to the right. The ‘Snap’ button/menu determines whether the accelerator will wait for the next bar or half bar to change its settings.

PolyPin is also available as part of the Arcade Series One and completes the line up consisting of Asteroids, Tetriq and Pong Deluxe


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