Circuit Editor PRO by Sigabort

Upgrade to Randomise & Morph


Step up to the Circuit Editor PRO! Upgraded based on users requests and rebuilt from scratch to cope with the demands of automation in Ableton Live.

We've also added a completely expanded view for all parameters with no tabbed interfaces, a morph between two patches function and finally intelligent randomisation for instant patch creation on the Novation Circuit.

Additional information

Synth Compatibility

Novation Circuit Original


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Circuit Editor PRO by Sigabort

Upgrade to Randomise & Morph


When Novation gave us the go ahead to continue developing the Novation Circuit Editor for ourselves we polled the Facebook Users group for what they’d like to see added… Obviously some requests we can’t help with, the Circuit Editor PRO can’t find you a wife nor make you more popular! (We can’t do anything about Panning or add more destinations to the Macro Control either)

The engine of the free version is good but not up to the rigour of automation from Ableton Live. So we re-wrote it from scratch, making all of the elements controllable by clip envelope including both Synth Engines not just the one in focus!

The more advanced Novation Circuit users will appreciate this means that a parameter can be automated over any length of time enabling the Circuit to become a Drone Engine, in fact unlink the automation envelopes in a clip and have euclidean style automation to really mix things up…

With our new engine we’re able to do more as well…

From a workflow point of view hovering over any of the titles will change them to a RESET label, a click and release will set the parameter or entire section to it’s initial values… Hold down SHIFT and hover though, and the title will change to RANDOM… And that’s where the fun starts!!

Our Randomisation Engine will allow an intelligent randomisation of the currently selected patch, you can define which elements are randomised (down to individual Mod Matrix Slots) and then choose how the random formula is applied…

And whilst you can randomise the Macro’s sometimes you just want to bring some order to the chaos, and so you can now copy a single Macro and Paste it to a different position, or copy all 8 macros and paste them in a new preset… Or even paste them to all presets in one click!!

PLEASE NOTE – Upload/downloading samples and sessions is not supported by the Circuit Editor PRO as Novation has not made the specification for these operations public.

The Download includes files for the MaxforLive, Mac and Windows Standalone Versions…



Frequently Asked Questions

Released 6th October 2020 – Version 1.3.3
Maintenance Update and bug fixes
Released 9th March 2020 – Version 1.3.2
This update is for users who have updated to firmware 1.8
– Added Pan Control to the Session View
– Added the option to change the Editor MIDI Channels for Synth 1, 2 and the Drum

Release Notes – Version 1.3.0 

  • Wholesale changes to the UI
  • Mod Matrix now separate View
  • All tabbed interfaces expanded to sit on one level

V1.0.0 – Initial Release – June 2017

Our Products are generally provided as Zip file downloads which in all cases will need to be extracted and saved to your hard drive prior to installation. Details on the different file type provided and what to do with them are below.

.alp Files – These are Ableton Live Packs and will install directly into the Packs Section of the browser of Ableton Live. When you double click on them you will see a pop up window asking you to confirm that installation is ok as the files are described as “Legacy”. This is fine and you are ok to proceed, the packs are created using the format for an earlier version of Live and so remain compatible with the current version.

.amxd files – These are individual MaxforLive Devices and can be stored anywhere on your hard drive. We’d advise creating a folder for them and then adding that folder as a location within the Places section of Lives Browser.

Control Surface Scripts – Please refer to the individual User Guides provided with your download, an abridged version of the installation will be shown further down this page.

ClyphX Pro – Please refer directly to the manual and installation video for this specific product.

Novation Circuit Packs – These are provided as individual Sysex Files and as a complete bank file. All are to be installed using a version of the Circuit Editor and not via Novations Components back up utility.



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