Plugin List Export by KILLIHU

Export a List of plugins in the project

This device displays a list of external plugins and Max for Live devices used in the project. The Export button exports the list to a text file. It is not possible to get the “.amxd” file name of the Max for Live devices, so the title of the devices is displayed.

This plugin is free. Consider making a contribution if it is useful for you.

Additional information


Control Devices

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite


Mac, Windows

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Plugin List Export by KILLIHU

Export a List of plugins in the project

This device displays a list of external plugins and Max for Live devices used in the project. The Export button exports the list to a text file. It is not possible to get the “.amxd” file name of the Max for Live devices, so the title of the devices is displayed.

This plugin is free. Consider making a contribution if it is useful for you.




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