
Rabbit Hole by Culto



“Curiouser and curiouser!” cried Alice as she gazed into the Rabbit Hole. Take a journey through this wonder tunnel and your sound will meet a new reality, unlike any other.Rabbit Hole is the ultimate chaos modulation delay by Culto, where parallel modulators driven by a random function warp its delay lines into creating weird sonic events. It fills empty spaces in your samples, creating additional rhythmical layers and thick, swirling textures.With Rabbit Hole, you can reverse the delay sound, filter it, loop portions of the random function, apply gentle modulation for chorusing effects, and add quirky jumps for bubbly streams of sound.So, if you need unheard sounds, enter the wonder tunnel and let Rabbit Hole take you on a wild ride of sonic discovery.
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live 10 / 11 Suite or Ableton Live 10 / 11 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
OS COMPATIBILITY: Mac: Intel: 10.14 Mojave or later Silicon: OS 11.0 or later / Windows Windows: 10 (64-bit) or later
Min. Requirements: Ableton Live 10.1.42 & MaxforLive (Version 8.2.2 or above)
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    Our Products are generally provided as Zip file downloads which in all cases will need to be extracted and saved to your hard drive prior to installation. Details on the different file type provided and what to do with them are below.

    .alp Files – These are Ableton Live Packs and will install directly into the Packs Section of the browser of Ableton Live. When you double click on them you will see a pop up window asking you to confirm that installation is ok as the files are described as “Legacy”. This is fine and you are ok to proceed, the packs are created using the format for an earlier version of Live and so remain compatible with the current version.

    .amxd files – These are individual MaxforLive Devices and can be stored anywhere on your hard drive. We’d advise creating a folder for them and then adding that folder as a location within the Places section of Lives Browser.

    Control Surface Scripts – Please refer to the individual User Guides provided with your download, an abridged version of the installation will be shown further down this page.

    ClyphX Pro – Please refer directly to the manual and installation video for this specific product.

    Novation Circuit Packs – These are provided as individual Sysex Files and as a complete bank file. All are to be installed using a version of the Circuit Editor and not via Novations Components back up utility.

    Rabbit Hole by Culto

    “Rabbit Hole” is derived from research on modulation delays that began with “Simbiosi”, Culto’s first M4L device. The aesthetic inspiration behind it includes glitch, IDM, and electroacoustic music.

    It uses the saturated feedback and cross-feedback chains from “Simbiosi” and applies them to a brand-new set of modulators. These modulators are phase-locked and bound to a primary noise — a random function, resulting in effects that range from subtle flanging to impactful detuning and chorusing. Controlled feedback is combined with this approach to generate a continuously variable sound stream. The built-in Low-Cut & High-Cut filter nested inside the delay’s feedback chain can also be used to further sculpt these textures, and the Reverse parameter can be used to mix the delayed sound with its reversed copy.

    The engine of “Rabbit Hole” is designed entirely in Gen~ for accurate signal processing and control. The random function lets users set a Seed to generate different sequences of numbers at a sample rate resolution. The sequence is then downsampled with the Rate parameter for more suitable values for LFO usage. Rate, Depth, and Smooth control a set of parallel LFOs linked to the primary random function. These LFOs have slightly different phases and rates, contributing to the richness of the sound. Before modulating the delay lines, they are distorted by a set of dividers that continuously scale their amplitude, resulting in a series of springy jumps. The Smooth switch can be used to turn this off. The Visualizer shows all six LFOs in action, as well as the Random function progress that keeps track of the Seed.

    “Rabbit Hole” can add vitality to drum beats with its unpredictable behavior, which can be managed by limiting its action with the Loop function. Starting with the Sync button turned on, users can set desired Delay Size, Rate, and Depth values, and finally, set the Loop duration to a larger value. Factory presets that have the Sync active can provide a good starting point for this method. Regulating the filters and feedback will help users achieve a more refined result.

    When used with sounds other than a drum beat, it may work better without the Sync option, allowing users to fully adjust the parameters according to absolute values. Long delays with slow, high-depth modulations can create eerie glissandi, while short delays with high feedback values can produce howling effects. Depth can be used to constrain the tonal range of modulations, which also varies depending on the main Delay size.

    Extra controls allow users to adjust the wet signal to the desired ratio with the dry one. Pre-Delay adjusts the “slapback effect” between dry and wet Gain affects the output gain of the wet signal, which can lose energy when filtered. Swap can be used to swap the left and right channels’ modulations, while Mono reduces stereo processing into a single channel.

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    Massimiliano Cerioni (Italy, 1986) is an award-winning composer, sound engineer, sound artist, and educator. He explores new sonic possibilities through coding and designing custom-made instruments. He also performs on stage with his creations. His artistic production includes acousmatic and electroacoustic music compositions, live-electronics, audiovisuals, music for video, performances, sound-art installations, and multimedia projects.

    He is from Pomezia (Rome, IT) and lives in Berlin. Cerioni graduated with an MA in Electronic Music from A. Casella Conservatory of Music in L’Aquila (Italy) under the direction of Michelangelo Lupone.

    Cerioni has received awards, commissioned works (Artescienza Festival and Cycling’74), and distinctions, including placing 1st at the Italian national art prize Premio Abbado in 2015 under the Electroacoustic Music Compositions category. In 2017, Cerioni presented his first augmented monochord prototype called Metastring at Tempo Reale Festival in Florence. In 2019, he was a resident artist at EMS — Elektron Musik Studion in Stockholm (Sweden), and in the meantime a guest of the CM Lerici Italian Institute of Culture. In 2020, he announced his audio plugin project Culto, made for releasing Max For Live devices for experimental sound design. From 2023, Culto plugins are distributed by Isotonik Studios. Since 2021, he has been a resident artist from SCOPE BLN in Berlin. In 2022, Cycling’74 commissioned him the creation of a MaxMSP Gen patch, for which he implemented the Lotka-Volterra two-species competition-cooperation model as a sound synthesis system. In 2023, the same project was featured in the Radius Collective Exhibition Underline at the Midway Studios gallery In Boston and the Linea Festival in Biella, Italy.

    He collaborates with the online learning center Music Hackspace, The Audio Programmer youtube channel, and several artists and professionals from different fields. Notable mentions: Julian Zyklus, Silvia Morandi, Function Store, Fabrizio Di Salvo, SaraBrown, Opale Studio, reinfected.me.

    Since 2023, his music has been released under the Elli Records label.

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