
Modulation Devices for Push 3 Standalone by Elisabeth Homeland

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Unlock full control of Ableton Live’s LFO, Shaper, and Envelope Follower directly from Push with our modified versions. Enjoy real-time visual feedback, intuitive mapping of up to eight parameters, and easy adjustment of modulation settings. Simplify your workflow and experience seamless integration without needing a computer setup.
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live 11 / 12 Suite or Ableton Live 11 / 12 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
Min. Requirements: Ableton Live 11 Suite or Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive Installed



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    You can put the devices into your Ableton Live user library, basically anywhere.

    Default location of the User Library:

    When you install Live for the first time, the User Library is created at this location:



    Please note that Live has to analyse your user library after you put your devices in there… It could take a while. For the time being, you can just drag and drop these devices on your track from your user library. until Live analyses your folders.

    Installation for Push3 Standalone:

    You need to put the device in your Push’s User Library from Live to a place where you’ll find it later.


    Version 1.0 Released July 2024

    Modulation Devices for Push 3 Standalone by Elisabeth Homeland

    Enhanced Ableton Live Modulation Devices for Push Integration

    Ableton Live’s built-in LFO, Shaper, and Envelope Follower are powerful modulation tools that allow you to modulate up to eight selectable parameters in diverse ways. However, their default versions do not support mapping from Ableton Push, making it difficult to set up and use these devices directly from Push without initial configuration on your computer.

    This pack contains the three modulation devices:

    • Compatible with Live 12:
      • Envelope follower for Push
      • Shaper for Push
      • LFO for Push
    • Compatible with Live 11 and 12:
      • LFO for push 1, and 8

    To address this limitation, we’ve developed modified versions of these devices with improved Push integration. Here’s what you can expect from these enhanced versions:

    Key Features

    Visual Representation:

    • Get a real-time visual display of the LFO/Modulation signal and the mapped parameter’s name directly on the Push screen.
    • The modulation’s effect is visually represented by a moving dial, allowing you to observe changes such as the LFO’s shape and speed.

    Intuitive Modulation Mapping:

    • Easily select the modulation destination using the MAP dial. Simply turn the dial to choose the parameter you want to modulate.
    • Change essential modulation parameters like Min, Max, and modulation mode directly from Push, without needing to revert to your computer.

    Flexible Mapping Management:

    • Quickly unmap or reassign mappings as needed. When you load the device into a track and access one of the “Map” banks, you can use it just as you would on your computer.
    • When a parameter is mapped, the bank’s name updates to reflect the parameter. For instance, mapping “M1” to a reverb’s Dry/Wet control will change the display to “D2 (Dry/Wet)”.

    Dynamic Naming:

    • If you unmap a parameter, the bank’s name reverts to its original designation (e.g., “M1”), clearly indicating that it’s currently unassigned.

    Visual Feedback and Usage:

    • The visual feedback on Push begins to function as soon as you adjust the rate or sync rate dials, ensuring that the undo history remains clean.
    • This display helps you intuitively understand how the modulation affects your parameters over time.

    Important Notes:

    The current version of Live 12’s Modulation mode is not visually indicated on Push. While this may be addressed in future Ableton updates, you can switch back to the older Remote mode directly from the device if you prefer.

    These enhancements are designed to provide a seamless experience for Push users, allowing you to fully utilize the modulation capabilities of Ableton Live’s LFO, Shaper, and Envelope Follower without needing a computer for initial setup. Enjoy a more intuitive and integrated workflow directly from your Push controller.

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