Behringer BCF XL by Sigabort

Ableton Live Control Surface Script


With it's motorised Faders and LED Ringed Encoders the Behringer BCF is the perfect controller with this Ableton Live Control Surface Script.

  • Session Control
  • Send & Return Control


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Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Intro, Ableton Live 10 Standard, Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Intro, Ableton Live 11 Standard, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Intro, Ableton Live 12 Standard, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite


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Behringer BCF XL by Sigabort

Ableton Live Control Surface Script

Spurred on by the popularity of Sigaborts BCR XL Control Surface Script we grabbed a Behringer BCF 2000 and went about sprinkling some Isotonik magic on it…

With it’s motorised faders and LED ringed encoders it’s a surprise to us that no-ones yet come up with a definitive script for it, we’d like to think that we’ve solved that conundrum and with this script the oft forgotten controller can once again have the dust brushed off it and take pride of place in the Ableton Live Performers set up.

MIX CONTROL – The Push Encoders at the top of the Behringer BCF device can be used to select tracks as well as being switchable between Mixer Mode, where you can choose which Send is being controlled for each of the eight tracks, with our Config.txt you can define whether this mode switches to control Pan on each track instead. The Buttons beneath give you Mute and Solo, or if you prefer you can switch configuration to look after Solo and Arm instead.

DEVICE CONTROL – Device Mode is switchable with one of the Control Buttons on the Controller and the Push Encoders will change to Device Control focusing on whatever is Blue-handed within Live, the buttons beneath then allow you to switch between the first eight devices on a track with the the bottom row of buttons giving you device on / off…

The Control Buttons to the right of the BCF 2000 give live control over various functions, whether it be moving up and down the banks of the controlled device, and device lock, in the Device Mode or Folding.Unfolding Tracks and moving up and down the available Send that’s being controlled in Mixer Mode.

Our Config.txt options include switching into 14_Bit mode for even finer control, various Returns Modes allowing return tracks to be controlled by the controller either when in view or permanently taking over the right hand side.


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