Freesound4Live by Alessandro aylesim Miracapillo

Search and use Freesound samples without leaving Live

Freesound4live is a Max for Live instrument that enables users to search, browse, listen, and download sounds from, one of the largest collaborative sound libraries in the world, without having to leave Ableton Live. With Freesound4live, users can easily find and preview a wide variety of sounds, including field recordings, musical samples, and sound effects, directly within the Ableton Live interface. The instrument provides a streamlined workflow for integrating external sounds into your projects, making it an powerful tool for music producers, sound designers, and multimedia artists.
COMPATIBILITY: Ableton Live 10 / 11 Suite or Ableton Live 10 / 11 Standard with MaxforLive Installed
OS COMPATIBILITY: Mac: Intel: 10.14 Mojave or later Silicon: OS 11.0 or later / Windows Windows: 10 (64-bit) or later
MIN. REQUIREMENTS: Ableton Live 10.1.42 & MaxforLive (Version 8.2.2 or above)


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Freesound4Live by Alessandro aylesim Miracapillo

Search and use Freesound samples without leaving Live

Once a sound has been found, Freesound4live makes it easy to download and integrate it into an Ableton Live project.

Users can download sounds directly with just a click.

Freesound4live is a powerful and versatile instrument that has numerous applications in music production, sound design, and multimedia art.

Its intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make it an essential tool for anyone looking to incorporate external sounds into their projects. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner, Freesound4live provides a quick and easy way to access a wealth of high-quality sounds and take your projects to the next level.


  • Search for sounds by title or tags
  • Filter and sort searches by Loop, Relevance, Duration, Date Added, Download and Ratings
  • Preview sounds
  • Download original sound files
  • Generate a text file within every downloads with informations about the author, link to the sound and the license information 

MORE FROM Alessandro aylesim Miracapillo...

Alessandro Miracapillo is an electronic music composer, artist and coder from Southern Italy. They explore the edges of the relationship between humans and technology trough their artworks and compose music with code and interactive, self made instruments.


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