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Mission: determine which native Ableton Live audio effects upset the phase to the least degree and are therefore the safest to use in parallel on send channels.
– some words from PerforModule
So one day i got it in my head to figure out which of Ableton Live’s Effects are the best to use in parallel.
What is the criteria for this? Simply, which processes alter the phase of audio passing through them, either to the least degree, or in a nicely summable way.
Why does this matter? Because phase offsets, when summed in parallel with the original signal, will inevitably cause changes to the frequency contour. Sometimes slight amounts of this phase offset can add a nice creamy touch to the sound of things (and pretty much all analog gear causes it to some degree), but when being surgically technical like during the finalizing stages of a track, they are generally just not helpful.
An example of not altering phase at all is Live’s Compressor effect which is phase-neutral; it can be used safely in parallel with no unwanted frequency coloration whatsoever.
An example of altering the phase in a “nicely summable” way is Live’s Reverb. Technically, it’s altering the phase a whole bunch, but it’s doing so in a time-smeared fashion which results in far less likelihood of perfectly-lined-up frequency cancellations, and so, when at 100% wet, reverbs can be just fine to use in parallel, and are often preferred this way.
After carefully checking the phase response of all of Ableton Live Ten’s native Audio Effects, i came up with five distinct racks providing combinations of the most parallel-friendly native effects, optimized for specific purposes with maximal versatility of application.
Results: Five distinct racks providing combinations of the most parallel-friendly native effects, optimized for specific purposes with maximal versatility of application.
Smoothly inject density with maxed-out extreme parallel compression chain ParallAux SMASH.
Add vintage reverb souped up with tremolo, erosion, tube, and compression/clipping using ParallAux Reverb Analog.
Add modern reverb enhanced with reflective surface, unique “prescient gate”, and compression/limiting using ParallAux Reverb Digital.
Add source-reactive lo-fi grit with ParallAux Eroded Tube.
Apply gating to multiple tracks at once using phase-inversion trickery with ParallAux Gate-Expander.
1. Return Track Method: Place a ParallAux rack (or racks) on a Return (aka “aux”) channel in your Live Set. Then use Sendknobs to feed to it various amounts from various tracks.
2. Channel Track Method: First stop playback to avoid a sudden volume jump. Place a ParallAux rack on a new chaininside an Audio Effect Rack on the channel (keeping a chain reserved for the original clean signal). Lower the new chain level to -inf dB, play your audio, and slowly bring the volume upwards to blend with the original signal to taste.
Note that both of these methods are additive — they will stack new energy on top of existing energy, rather than altering what already exists.
The simplest of the ParallAux racks, it cohesively combines Erosion and Dynamic Tube. Use it subtly for adding a touch of source-reactive lo-fi grit to the mix. Or you can push it a bit harder to blend in some sound of analog signal clipping without mangling the original material. This rack does have some very minimal phase coloration.
By particular routing using phase-inversion gimmickry, it is possible to gate tracks via a Return Track. Weird, huh?
Break the System
Note that there are ways to break this gate functionality by altering the phase summation of the signals as they hit the master channel. To place effects on a ParallAux Gate-Expander signal chain without that happening, make sure to drop them inside the rack, on the “ParallAux FX” track (rather than before or after the rack).
Go-to aux reverb for when you want a more retro vibe, juiced up with easily adjustable tube, tremolo, subtle erosion, analog compression, and a clipper.
Go-to aux reverb for when you want a more modern vibe, juiced up with easily adjustable reflective surface, VCA compression, unique tight prescient gate, and a limiter.
Dual analog/digital compressors (in parallel with each other, of course) with thresholds and ratios slammed to their utmost. You feed signal into that slammation for added parallel “oomph”, good for feeding tracks in a mix into and also for injecting extra loudness during mastering.
Our Products are generally provided as Zip file downloads which in all cases will need to be extracted and saved to your hard drive prior to installation. Details on the different file type provided and what to do with them are below.
.alp Files – These are Ableton Live Packs and will install directly into the Packs Section of the browser of Ableton Live. When you double click on them you will see a pop up window asking you to confirm that installation is ok as the files are described as “Legacy”. This is fine and you are ok to proceed, the packs are created using the format for an earlier version of Live and so remain compatible with the current version.
.amxd files – These are individual MaxforLive Devices and can be stored anywhere on your hard drive. We’d advise creating a folder for them and then adding that folder as a location within the Places section of Lives Browser.
Control Surface Scripts – Please refer to the individual User Guides provided with your download, an abridged version of the installation will be shown further down this page.
ClyphX Pro – Please refer directly to the manual and installation video for this specific product.
Novation Circuit Packs – These are provided as individual Sysex Files and as a complete bank file. All are to be installed using a version of the Circuit Editor and not via Novations Components back up utility.
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Pierre Lecollier (verified owner) –
ParallAux is a big time saver and a game changer to add spice quickly to my tracks.