MIDI MultiClip Editor by Chaos Culture

Edit Multiple Clips on One Piano Roll

If you've ever wished that you could select multiple clips in Ableton Live and view them in one MIDI Editor at the same time, well now you can!

Multiclip Manual

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MIDI Devices

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite


Mac, Windows

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SOUNDONSOUND MAGAZINE “If you’ve grown tired of switching back and forth between Live MIDI clips trying to match note positions or figure out which note is the clunkier in separate harmony tracks, Chaos Culture MIDI MultiClip Editor from Isotonik Studios will pay for itself the first time you use it”

JOSHUA CASPER “I am pretty impressed by this device. I usually try to get free Max patches for Max Patch Mondays, but this is just too good not to share!”


Ask.Audio – Rekkerd.org – MagesyproVolterockreviewAfrodjMacPinchplant – ESTRADA STUDIO

1 review for MIDI MultiClip Editor by Chaos Culture

  1. Philippe LOISEAU

    Beginning to use it ! Everything I needed and which is missing to Ableton Live note editor. Love it !

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Product reviews


SOUNDONSOUND MAGAZINE “If you’ve grown tired of switching back and forth between Live MIDI clips trying to match note positions or figure out which note is the clunkier in separate harmony tracks, Chaos Culture MIDI MultiClip Editor from Isotonik Studios will pay for itself the first time you use it”

JOSHUA CASPER “I am pretty impressed by this device. I usually try to get free Max patches for Max Patch Mondays, but this is just too good not to share!”


Ask.Audio – Rekkerd.org – MagesyproVolterockreviewAfrodjMacPinchplant – ESTRADA STUDIO


1 reviews

80% average rating


1 review for MIDI MultiClip Editor by Chaos Culture

  1. Philippe LOISEAU

    Beginning to use it ! Everything I needed and which is missing to Ableton Live note editor. Love it !

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MIDI MultiClip Editor by Chaos Culture

Edit Multiple Clips on One Piano Roll

LIVE 11 USERS PLEASE NOTE: Any MPE data in a clip will get erased when you edit it in “MultiClip / MIDI Modulators.” It definitely runs in Live 11 and can do everything just as Live 9 and 10 can. It’s just not a device designed to use MPE.

Its a MIDI MultiClip Editor for Ableton Live!

Welcome to MultiClip MIDI Editor, a MaxforLive device that allows you to edit multiple MIDI clips in Ableton Live simultaneously in the same window!

A lot of workflow mechanics are similar to Lives MIDI editor, you won’t have to relearn anything, in fact this is probably the easiest learning curve of any device yet…

Whilst we await eagerly any news of Ableton Live 10 we’ve thought of a few new feature improvements and implemented them within the MultiClip MIDI Editor such as a second pencil tool, which creates a longer note instead of a couple of shorter ones and the ability to hide pitches that aren’t included in a specific scale.

With the settings configuration so you can save all your own preferences your workflow just got boosted to light speed!

And with the latest version we’ve also enhanced the MIDI Editor functionality taking our inspiration from other DAW’s like Cubase and Logic. Simply select some notes and use your chosen MIDI Modulator:

  • Transform loop: Loops all or only selected notes. The time selection, which can be changed in the timeline, can be used to use as a reference. Pitch and velocity can be offset per iteration
  • Transform stretch: Stretches all or selected notes by multiplying or dividing their positions and lengths to a custom value. The note lengths can be ignored.
  • Quantize time: Quantizes all or selected notes to the current grid. Additionally to the default quantization note end positions or lengths (relative to start position) can be quantized as well. Amounts and rounding rules can be set to minimize quantization errors.
  • Quantize scale: If a scale is active (settings) the pitch of all or selected notes will be quantized to fit the scale.
  • Chord inversion: This modulator will go through chord inversions to get as close as possible to a custom MIDI pitch value. This also works with microtonal scales.
  • Utility pitch limit: All or only the selected notes will be transposed (per octave by default) to fit into a custom pitch range. Microtonal scales are also supported.
  • Utility velocity limit: Limits the velocity of all or selected notes to a custom range. Curve options are available as well.
  • Utility seamless loop: Finds notes that are overlapping with the start and end positions of the clip or the time selection and copies them to the other side to create a seamless loop.
  • Selection (Pitch / Velocity / Clip / Random): The Selection modulators will select or deselect notes. You can replace, add, subtract and intersect similar to picture manipulating applications.

MORE FROM Chaos Culture...

Sebastian was introduced to music early on and grew up reverse engineering and producing songs.

While being professionally trained to become a jazz pianist, he learned the ins and outs of many applications and electronic devices. The most important one was the lite version of Ableton Live 4, which enabled him to dive deeper into sound design and other aspects of music production.

By studying audio engineering and working with many studios, Sebastian was introduced to the music industry as he started his work as a mixing engineer and sound designer.

Chaos Culture is a project, an artist name he uses to publish some of his music and other creations such as Max for Live devices that extend the functionality of Live.


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