Advanced Toolbar Buttons by KILLIHU

Major workflow improvement!

The Advanced Toolbar Buttons for Ableton Live by Killihu adds a customizable set of essential tools directly to Live’s toolbar, enhancing workflow and efficiency. With these buttons, you can quickly access commands for functions like Duplicate, Delete, and Consolidate without navigating menus.

Customize button layouts and assign custom commands to streamline your session with just a click. Ideal for both novice and advanced users, this tool maximizes productivity by keeping your most-used functions at your fingertips.

Additional information


Control Devices

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite



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Advanced Toolbar Buttons by KILLIHU

Major workflow improvement!

The Advanced Toolbar Buttons MaxforLive Device adds new buttons/controls and new features to work with Ableton Live.

It consists of a button bar with a transparent background, where different button configurations can be created. The button bar can be positioned anywhere on the screen.

Main features:

  • Adjustment of clip parameters without having to open the clip detail view, such as volume, transposition, groove selection and others.
  • New mode to capture and insert scene.
  • Global activation and deactivation of tracks.
  • Alternative way to move loop markers in the arrangement.
  • Automatic reset of overwritten automation when starting or stopping transport.
  • Automatic unfolding of the track selected in the arrangement and folding the other tracks.
  • Track colors to clips for all tracks in the project.
  • Volume, Pan and Send controls for the selected track.
  • Session view clip duplication and triggering of the new duplicate clip.
  • Switch between different Live color themes without opening the preferences window.
  • One-button access to various Live actions that are only available in context menus.
  • Creation of presets with different layouts that can be loaded using key mapping.
  • Button/control size adjustment to fit any screen resolution.
  • Supports multi-monitor setups.
  • Does not interfere with Live’s undo history.
  • Matches Live’s color theme.



Some features do not work in all versions of Live.

  • The MIDI note transpose and clip groove selection functions do not work in Live 10.
  • The button to expand the clip editing view does not work in Live 10.
  • The freeze track button only works in Live 12.
  • Live’s color theme change feature only works if the OS zoom is at 100%. That is, the zoom level set in Windows options, not in Live preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

It would be possible to do it but it would dirty the undo history. It is a limitation of Max for Live that currently has no solution.

Max for Live does not allow changes to multiple selected clips. Hopefully this will change in the future.

If you are entering the position coordinates numerically (by typing the numbers and pressing enter) it sometimes has to be done twice for the plugin to save the value. Instead, if you click on the position control (X or Y) and use the arrow keys on your computer keyboard to set the position, the value is saved correctly.

The position of the buttons/controls is relative to the screen, not to the Live window. As with other windowed plugins, such as VSTs, the plugin’s buttons/controls are floating windows that belong to another program and therefore their position is not tied to Live.

The device is a floating Max window with the option to show on top. Due to Max’s architecture, it is displayed on top of other applications. Hopefully this will change in future versions of Max.




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