MIDI TOOLSET 002 by Manifest Audio

The second set of 13 MIDI Tools for Ableton Live 12 and above from Manifest Audio

Explore the power of call and response with Converser, linear programming with Hexaline, geometric melodies with Metagraph, intricate rhythmic expressions with Metapulse, vast pattern space with the intuitive Navigator, unusual percussion patterns with Percotope, and a new twist on musical typing with Typewriter.

Then transform pattern timings with Chronoflex, explore phrase transposition with Intershift, rescale any range of values with Remapper, syncopate note selections with Syncopator, dynamically modify parameter contours with Transcoder, and explore new count-based parameter trajectories with the unusual Vector.

All MIDI Tools are scale aware and Info View annotated to seamlessly enhance your creative experience.

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Live 12 MIDI Tools Bundles

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite


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MIDI TOOLSET 002 by Manifest Audio

The second set of 13 MIDI Tools for Ableton Live 12 and above from Manifest Audio


7 MIDI Tool Generators

  • Converser
  • Hexaline
  • Metagraph
  • Metapulse
  • Navigator
  • Percotope
  • Typewriter

6 MIDI Tool Transformations

  • Chronoflex
  • Intershift
  • Remapper
  • Syncopator
  • Transcoder
  • Vector

Automatically detecting and adopting your MIDI clip length, selection, and quantization settings, each voice can even be expressed through a particular rhythm, generating on — or avoiding — specific beats using the count settings. Density determines how talkative each voice can be, while the central weight dial controls which voice dominates — and if so, by how much.

Base velocity combines with randomization and global deviation to make each voice more lively, while length control and randomization express your voices even more distinctively — with note probability to provide even more dynamic results.

Ideal for bass lines, melodic developments, percussive patterns, or any musical opportunity for call and response, Converser is designed to help your music speak. Scale aware, theme adaptive, and Info View annotated, this creative MIDI Tool Generator is designed to seamlessly enhance your creativity.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Hexaline generates patterns based on up to six available note choices which never overlap to produce linear drums or unique melodies at the current grid count. Each note line gets a pitch, velocity, length, and probability, along with a mute key. Velocity, deviation, length, and chance of all steps can be set globally. In the default Rest mode, muted lines result in rest gaps in the pattern; toggle into Fill mode to instead generate a full new pattern based on the new count total voice count. Finally, generation modes offer two random styles – along with forward, reverse, and elliptical generation with optional hold duration.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Explore geometric melodies with Metagraph, plotting points on a grid to optionally be scaled between a variety of pitches, velocities, lengths, or probabilities. Globally control deviation, and randomize new patterns for scratch with an optional density control to reduce the number of grid points that to be filled. Clear the pattern, or unlock the grid to enter to enter notes freehand. Set the number of vertical grid intervals to explore new note distributions with the lock activated, multiply the number of notes generated per interval with the division control, and reduce note output density to taste. Enter Manual grid mode to create a horizontally tupletted note entry grid of any division. Zoom in on either axis, hold Shift and click to remove a breakpoint – or hold Alt/Option to impose curves on the line.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Inspired by our real-time Pulse Engine generator, Metapulse probabilistically generates new note pulses at the specified interval of the current grid setting, with a random division within the maximum selected each interval to generate complex note patterns. Pitch, velocity, and length can all be randomized each interval, have positive or negative decay imposed each interval, and have the amount of that decay randomized each interval as well. Explore different quantization restrictions – and enter the advanced mode to explore minimum and maximum limits on each pitch, velocity, or length decay, and decide on a behavior when those limits are reached: Clip at the obtained limit value, Wrap back to the upper limit, or Fold to reflect back in the opposite direction.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Navigator enables intuitive exploration of an endless pool of possible MIDI patterns via a simple XY field. The vertical axis controls the variety of note pitches and velocities explored within the ranges defined at right, with increasing variety at higher values, while the horizontal axis controls the density of the pattern and the variety of note lengths as specified by the sliders at bottom. Density always increases going right, pitch range always expands going up – but horizontal note length and vertical velocity ranges can be inverted. Velocity deviation and overall note probability can be set for all output globally. Increase the number slider below the scale awareness toggle to add up to six polyphonic voices within the note range. At bottom left, patterns will be more simple and sparse, at upper right they will be busiest and most complex.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Create unconventional unquantized rhythms by setting a destination note pitch, velocity, and arbitrary number of beats within a selected timespan. For more conventional patterns, enable quantization. Either way, explore the unique Nudge control to shift the focus of the pattern forward or backward in time. Set the probability and deviation for all generated notes globally.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Typewriter converts the ASCII values of typed or pasted text to generate unique MIDI patterns by remapping those values to a range of pitch, velocity, length, or probability values. You can also use them to control the rhythmic rate of generated notes – or gate notes above or below a specified ASCII value threshold. You can also skew the curve of how those values are interpreted. Up top you can set whether spaces are interpreted as rests, and whether individual characters are translated to MIDI – or whether entire words are averaged as discrete musical units instead.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Unlike note warp markers, Chronoflex allows for quantized manipulation of note timings. You can of course disable quantization overall, or apply it only to note starts or note ends. Use the start and end range controls to compress or even invert patterns in the time domain. Use the Factor control to stretch or squeeze all selected notes, or try Offset to slide them all forward or backward together.

New in version 1.1: Added Tuplet mode to quantize selected notes to any-tupletted division of the current time selection specified by the user. Added Skew factor to cluster selected notes toward the start or end of the current time selection.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Take a repetitive pattern and imbue with a narrative by randomizing note transposition by a chance amount within a specified range at an interval of the current Grid count – or in raw note count interval, with Optional offset either way. Be advised the graphical display is for reference purposes only.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Remap (and invert) selected notes to pitches in the current scale and key, new lengths, velocities, or probabilities. Up top, set the probability notes will be remapped, or apply an exponential curve to the remapping applied.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Apply syncopation to selected notes via note activation, using a random algorithm to interpolate down to no syncopation. Invert to mute even note count values instead of odd note count values.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Use the same Draw mode as Metasketch to intuitively apply dynamic MIDI transformations to polyphonic pitch, velocity, length, or chance within specified ranges. Prefer the linear function of Metagraph? No problem – flip into Grid mode to apply dynamic breakpoint editing to the same ranges instead, easily applying extended contours to any note selection. In either mode, easily randomize a starting point by clicking the dice, governed by the slider beneath for added randomization control too.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio

Apply deterministic count-based velocity, pitch, and length modulation at a specified interval (with optional inversion and offset), within specified ranges along with Clip, Wrap, or Fold limiting styles.

midi toolset 002 by manifest audio


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