Natural Selection S by Dillon Bastan

Evolve and morph presets of a versatile synth and rhythm generator

Natural Selection S is an innovative sound design tool that uses a genetic algorithm to evolve sounds over generations, creating unique presets by mixing and mutating parameters like DNA. With an internal poly synth, rhythm generator, and effects system, you can intuitively shape sounds without touching a knob. Perfect for discovering new sonic textures, this device offers endless possibilities for creating evolving sounds tailored to your preferences. Key Features:
  • Genetic preset evolution
  • Internal poly synth with 5 voice types
  • Rhythmic note generator and effects system
  • 117 presets included

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Control Devices

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite


Mac, Windows

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Natural Selection S by Dillon Bastan

Evolve and morph presets of a versatile synth and rhythm generator

Natural Selection explores an evolutionary process with sound design! It treats the parameter values of presets as DNA values which are mixed together and mutated over generations to create new sounds.

You play the role of the environment, selecting preferable sounds to continue to pass their DNA to the next generations. And over the generations the sound will evolve closer to your preferences. Sound design with your sonic intuition, without even touching the synth parameters (unless you want to;))!

There are two versions of Natural Selection. This device, Natural Selection S, can mix and mutate presets of an internal versatile poly synthesizer (also an internal rhythm/note generator and FX chain) to discover new sounds and combinations.

Check out the features and videos above to understand more about the internal synth and the evolution system!

The other version, Natural Selection P, applies this process to any external audio device or rack of devices.

The design of these devices is by River Marchand


The device, user manual, 117 presets (some presets have many presets within them too!)


  • Genetic algorithm that treats parameter value presets as a genotypes or ‘DNA’. New ‘child’ presets are created by mixing 2 parents’ parameter values to create new generations of presets (all generations forming a ‘Family Tree’ of presets). Some of the functions included in this system:
    • Mutation amount and two mutation modes
    • Ability to limit the number of generations copulating for a new generation
    • Ability to start a new tree of presets from those of a previoius tree
    • Two modes for adding ‘seed’ presets: (1) current values of the device with optional random spreading (this way you can also load in adv presets and add them as seeds to the tree). (2) Randomized seeds
    • Functions for remixing parent presets DNA to create a new child and for saving the current parameter values into any child’s DNA
    • Rating system to add bias to certain genetics when creating a new generation
    • Two page UI for navigating the various generations and children of presets
  • A section where you can morph up to 8 presets with two XY quadrants and a blend slider between them
  • For this device, the genetic preset system applies to presets of an internal poly synth + note generator + effects system
  • Versatile internal poly synth:
    • 2 Sources available. The voice types for each source are: (1) Basic morphable oscillator with FM options, (2) Resonator with mallet exciter, (3) Karplus Strong String with mallet exciter, (4) Wavetable oscillator with various wavetable options (and ability for User wavetable file drops) and FM options, (5) white noise oscillator
    • Unique ‘partials’ system. Each partial is a source voice. Set the number of partials and the spread between each partial (100% spread is normal harmonic distribution) as well as exponential scaling option (Bias) in order to create a variety of effects. NOTE: increasing partials increases CPU
    • Two filters with basic filter shapes, ladder filter, and a vowel/formant filter
    • Modulation system each source with two destinations and bipolar attenuation. Sources: 2 LFOs, 2 Envelopes, 2 spray values, MIDI sources (pitch, velocity, PB, adftertouch, modwheel)
    • Portamento, internal limiter, up to 16 voices
  • Rhythmic Note Generator system:
    • A trigger with sync and free ms rate options and a swing amount
    • Two gating modes: (Euclid) a euclidean sequencer with a unique ‘Slope’ parameter that clusters pules at either the beginning or end of the sequence. (Rand) random note gating
    • Two pitch modes: (Seq) a linear step sequencer, (Rand) random pitches. Both have scale and tonic options
    • Random ranged velocity and duration generation
    • The inclusion of this system allows you to morph and evolve rhythms and even treat each child as an organism with its own ‘voice’ and ‘song’
  • Effects System that includes distortion, chorus, phaser, delay, and reverb



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Dillon Bastan is a Los Angeles based sound artist, developer, music producer, and performer. He constructs interactive and intuitive experiences with sound as art, music, or tool. He uses a variety of programming languages, softwares, technologies, and a musical background. His passion for nature and interest in technology pulls him to blend the organic and synthetic.

Dillon draws on experiences from music, traveling, programming, meditation, and construction/carpentry for inspiration and solutions to his projects. He is constantly collaborating, learning, and exploring new possibilities in sound, art, and technology.


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