Allen & Heath K Series XL by Sigabort

Ableton Live Control Surface Script


This Control Surface Script for Ableton Live extends the use of the Allen & Heath K1 & K2 including the Ring Focus Box and Mixer Control

  • Session Control including Clip Launching
  • Send & Return Control
  • Mixer Control

Additional information

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Intro, Ableton Live 10 Standard, Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Intro, Ableton Live 11 Standard, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Intro, Ableton Live 12 Standard, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live Intro 10


Mac, Windows

6 reviews for Allen & Heath K Series XL by Sigabort

  1. Bradley Leftley

    Works awesome with my two Xone K2 (soon to be 3). Saved me lots of time writing a script for them.

  2. Mert Yükseloğlu

    not working, midimap didn’t come with it. Somehow ableton live 11 suite is not seeing xone k2 midi maps. could you help a little bit?

  3. Darren E Cowley (Admin)

    This product is a control surface script so there is no MIDI map, if you need support after reading the manual please use the Contact Us options in the header or footer of the website and open a support ticket.

  4. Danny Wolters

    Superb. Never thought I would get my trusty K2 to be a rock solid tool with Ableton 11 – thank you! On my Windows machine I copied the folders into “ProgramDataAbletonLive x.xResourcesMIDI Remote Scripts” to get it working.

  5. Edward Teach

    Work like a charm with my 2 k2 and have all that i need for my live act, but. Is possible to adjust the top of channels faders to 0 like i can make it in midi mode. With this, this remote scrpt was the top.

  6. Roland

    Fantastic script! I’ve been using it for a couple years now and it became a vital part of my setup. It’s well layed out, makes perfect sense and tranforms the K series into a very capable controllers for Ableton Live. I’m not someone who’s capable of writing scripts so when I first saw my K2 behaving similary in Live to an APC40 and had its own grid that I could navigte around the clips was like magic. I have two K2’s now and prefer when the 2 grids follow each other and for that I use the Launchsync XL which I can also highly recommend.

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Product reviews


5 reviews

100% average rating


6 reviews for Allen & Heath K Series XL by Sigabort

  1. Bradley Leftley

    Works awesome with my two Xone K2 (soon to be 3). Saved me lots of time writing a script for them.

  2. Mert Yükseloğlu

    not working, midimap didn’t come with it. Somehow ableton live 11 suite is not seeing xone k2 midi maps. could you help a little bit?

  3. Darren E Cowley (Admin)

    This product is a control surface script so there is no MIDI map, if you need support after reading the manual please use the Contact Us options in the header or footer of the website and open a support ticket.

  4. Danny Wolters

    Superb. Never thought I would get my trusty K2 to be a rock solid tool with Ableton 11 – thank you! On my Windows machine I copied the folders into “ProgramDataAbletonLive x.xResourcesMIDI Remote Scripts” to get it working.

  5. Edward Teach

    Work like a charm with my 2 k2 and have all that i need for my live act, but. Is possible to adjust the top of channels faders to 0 like i can make it in midi mode. With this, this remote scrpt was the top.

  6. Roland

    Fantastic script! I’ve been using it for a couple years now and it became a vital part of my setup. It’s well layed out, makes perfect sense and tranforms the K series into a very capable controllers for Ableton Live. I’m not someone who’s capable of writing scripts so when I first saw my K2 behaving similary in Live to an APC40 and had its own grid that I could navigte around the clips was like magic. I have two K2’s now and prefer when the 2 grids follow each other and for that I use the Launchsync XL which I can also highly recommend.

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Allen & Heath K Series XL by Sigabort

Ableton Live Control Surface Script

The Allen & Heath K1 and K2 Series controllers are a blank slate when it comes to mapping them in Ableton Live. Whilst you can achieve some stuff directly mapping to faders and the like this controller was crying out for something a little more dynamic, a little more DJ Like… I mean how many superstar DJ’s do you see with a pair of them next to their se up controlling elements of Live?!

Using the latest version of Ableton Live installation is a breeze, add a Remote Scripts folder to your User Library and drag in the two provided folders, no Catalina issues!

The control surface scrip then comes with the following features

  • Fine & Coarse Tempo Control
  • Master & Cue Volume Control
  • On Screen Ring Focus Box, this can be moved around your Live set using the bottom encoders allowing the below mappings to follow along
  • Send A, B, C Control
  • Volume Control
  • Arm / Mute / Solo
  • Clip Launch using the Button Matrix with RGB Feedback for Clips

PLEASE NOTE: When using 2 K Series Controllers each must be configured with as its own control surface with Lives Preferences, the Ring Focus Boxes will initially mirror each other but can be operated and moved independently, as the MIDI Messages sent by both controllers will be the same you will have conflicts if you try and use traditional MIDI Mapping outside of the configured control surface script features above.


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