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Iridescence by Dillon Bastan

Arppegiated delay trails with a markov chord system

Iridescence is a MaxForLive delay effect with arpeggiated note trails via a polyphonic real-time pitch shifting and delay system.

You can select how many notes are in an arpeggiated “chord” created off of the audio input.

Additionally, you can create up to 16 different chords that can transition via a Markov Chain (a probabilistic transition from chord to chord). This device can create beautiful harmonies off of a single note!

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Audio Devices, Instruments

Ableton Live Compatibility

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 10 Suite, Ableton Live 11 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 11 Suite, Ableton Live 12 Standard with MaxforLive, Ableton Live 12 Suite

Min. Requirements

Ableton Live 10 Standard with MaxforLive Installed or Ableton Live 10 Suite


Mac, Windows

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Iridescence by Dillon Bastan

Arppegiated delay trails with a markov chord system

Iridescence is a MaxForLive delay effect with arpeggiated note trails via a polyphonic real-time pitch shifting and delay system.

You can select how many notes are in an arpeggiated “chord” created off of the audio input.

Additionally, you can create up to 16 different chords that can transition via a Markov Chain (a probabilistic transition from chord to chord). This device can create beautiful harmonies off of a single note!

There are various settings that allow the device to transform from one purpose to another. It is a powerhouse for real-time harmony on a continuous audio source!

NOTE: This is an audio effect and though similar in some ways it is NOT by any means MIDI note arpeggiator!


  • Polyphonic real-time pitch shifting and delay mechanism that creates the effect of arppegiated delay trails on an incoming audio signal
  • Up to 8 ‘notes’ to create arppegiated sequences off of the original audio pitch.
  • Delay time and feedback settings with swing options
  • Ability to create up to 16 chords with different note combinations
  • A probabilistic system (markov chain) to transition between the different chords, with manual and automatic transition trigger options
  • Individual transition probabilties for each chord with randomization options
  • Two different real-time pitch shifting algorithms
  • Latching mode with different release options
  • Pitch feedback options
  • Automatic pitch detection and correction mode to change the note transpotions in real-time based ont he detected note and chosen Scale and Tonic
  • Different panning options
  • Lowpass and Highpass filter options
  • Internal LFO with perlin noise and basic shape options for modulating the filter cutoff frequencies

MORE FROM Dillon Bastan...

Dillon Bastan is a Los Angeles based sound artist, developer, music producer, and performer. He constructs interactive and intuitive experiences with sound as art, music, or tool. He uses a variety of programming languages, softwares, technologies, and a musical background. His passion for nature and interest in technology pulls him to blend the organic and synthetic.

Dillon draws on experiences from music, traveling, programming, meditation, and construction/carpentry for inspiration and solutions to his projects. He is constantly collaborating, learning, and exploring new possibilities in sound, art, and technology.


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